C u r r i c u l u m V i t a e
Dr. Taiysir Mansi
Associat Professor –
Training / handball
Contact: Faculty of physical education
University of Jordan
Amman - Jordan
D. o.
b.: 04.11.65, Amman (Jordan)
Nationality: Jordan - German
School, College and University:
1972 - 1984 Primary, Secondary and High School in Jordan
1984-1988 Physical Education studies at Yarmouk
University in Jordan; Bachelors
1992-1998 Sports Science studies at TU-Darmstadt (Germany); Masters Degree
Main subject: Sports Science;
Subsidiary subjects: Pedagogy and Political Science.
Theme of Masters Thesis: The search and promotion of
new talent in special consideration of biological-adaptive and
training-methodic aspects.
1999-2003 Promotion studies at University Heidelberg. Subject: Sports Science.
Main focus: Science of Training, Youth training,
Ball-games in sport, Handball, Talent scouting and promotion
Theme of Dissertation: Training
of young talent in Handball. An international comparison of successful concepts
and structures of promotion.
International Coaching Course (Olympic solidarity) in Jordan; - 1988.
C- Trainer Course - German Handball Federation - 1996.
B- Trainer Course - German Handball Federation - 1999.
A-Trainer-Course of German Handball Federation (first part) 2005.
Tutor Education Course - German Handball Federation – 2001.
Further Education Program for Leaders in Talent support: „Experiences
and Results of Talent support“- Okt. 1996.
Further Education Program for Leaders in Talent support: „Specifics of training
with children and youths“- Dez. 1996.
Further Education Program of the Landssportbund Hessen: „Current
developments in children and youths high performance sports “- Sep. 1997.
Further Education Program of TU-Darmstadt: „Technique training in sport“-
Nov. 1998.
Further Education Program of Landessportbund Hessen: Research Project,
Talent support, University Frankfurt. - Okt. 1999.
Further Education of Badischer Handballverband. Heidelberg 2002.
National Trainer Seminar. University of Heidelberg 2003.
Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) from the Coaching Association of Canada 2009-2011
International player and youth coach in Jordan 1985 to 1990.
Player at TSV Pfungstadt (Germany) 1990 to 1994.
Player/Coach of HSG Weiterstadt/ Braunshardt 1994 to 1998.
Coach of various youth teams of TSV Pfungstadt from 1992 to 2006;
U-17 team
1994 to 1996. States champion in Hessen 1996.
U-19 team 1996 to 1998. States champion in Hessen and
South-West German champion 1998; Semi-finalist in
German championship.
Coach of TuS Griesheim 1998 to 1999.
Coach of TSV Pfungstadt 1999 to 2002.
Coach of SG Nieder Roden from
2002 to 2006. Champions of Oberliga Hessen, promotion to Regionalliga
Südwest 2003/04
Project Manager of the Talent support group ‚Handball’ in Pfungstadt /Germany from
1992 to 2006.
Coach of the Youth and Junior-National team in Jordan from
2006 to 2010.
Project Manager of the Talent support project ‚Handball’ in the Jordan
Handball Federation from 2007 to 2010.
Coach of Al Ahli Club since 2010. Champions of Jordan 2010, 2011 and
Lecturer by international Handball Federation.
Lecturer by National Coaching Certification
Program (NCCP) from the Coaching Association of Canada.
Member of the German Handball Coaches Association.
Member of the German Association for Sports Science.
Tutor in several coaching courses in Germany.
Lecturer in international coaching workshop in Ireland 2003.
Lecturer in international coaching Course (Olympic Solidarity) in Yemen
Numerous articles in German and Jordan magazines as well as the publication
of the European Handball Federation.
Languages: Arabic (native speaker), German (excellent), English (good).
PC-Skills: comprehensive knowledge of MS-Office.